School Age Program
We offer before and after school care. Bus transportation is provided for the children who attend the following schools: Jenison Christian, Hudsonville Christian, Jenison Public – Rosewood, Pinewood, and ECC only, Hudsonville Public – Bauer, Georgetown, Alward, and ECC only. It is the parent’s responsibility to arrange pick-up/drop-off at FELC through their schools transportation system. We are not authorized to do this.
Before School
Upon arrival, the children who wish to eat breakfast here at the center may do so. Please make sure he/she arrives early enough so as not to be rushed. The buses begin arriving at 7:45am. Our mornings include free play, reading, and art experiences as well as time to relax and rest up for the day ahead.
After School
We have found that after the children get off the bus, they enjoy some “down” time. They are given an afternoon snack and are allowed to have free time. After the children have had time to relax we begin some structured activities. The children can choose a craft, science project, or a game. We go outside to play on the playground almost every afternoon.
Summer Time
Each summer our school-age children participate in our Summer Bash program. This program involves planned activities as well as several field trips and exciting guest presenters such as Blanford Nature Center and John Ball Zoo.